The Sequel (Volume 2) by Dina Rae
The Sequel (Volume 2)
by Dina Rae
Maya Smock gets inside of a time capsule and travels back to 1944 Germany. A Nazi doctor forces her to meet his superiors, proving to them all that his invention works. Hitler studies Maya like a laboratory rat at his Eagle’s Nest and then introduces her to the Reptilians. She plummets deep into the hollow earth. Will she ever get home? Only Maya’s next novel can show her friends how to get her back.
As Operation Chrome expands, General Andreas steals more babies. He believes that he is saving them from an extraterrestrial agenda connected with World War II. The hybrid babies have grown.
They are here. They will take what is theirs.
Nothing like a Sequel to a Best Seller!
First let me say that Dina Rae always writes the most thought provoking novels ever! This follow up novel to her book “The Best Seller” will intrigue those minds that crave a great conspiracy theory mixed with some Scifi magic.
Take note to read the book “The Best Seller” before diving into this one in order to have a better understanding of Maya and her past story.
Now for my review, all I can say is WOW! Dina’s imagination and conspiracy creativity transforms into a visionary world on the pages where there is a questionable real world theory and a possible connection with the unimaginable fantasy world our favorite authors create.
Imagine if you will, what if it was possible to time travel back to WWII – the Nazi area, with the intention to gather Intel and possibly kill or stop Hitler from his evilness. But instead you come upon secrets like an Alien invasion that has teamed up with Hitler and given him the sick envision to kill all the dark haired individuals etc… and learn that even our own government officials are really out to destroy us by creating their own Alien babies:
“The world would eventually operate as one. New World Order was the term some of the elite began to use behind closed doors.”
AND to think the government is keeping all this info from us. To top it off you learn that you yourself are a species created from an ancestor that is alien as well thanks to Government DNA tampering between the captured Aliens from Area 51 etc…
Then add in the equation of your current situation back home in the real world where you have major problems with the loss of a family member and the shocker of the soon to be ex-husband attempt on trying to kill you – Yes, all this and more goes into this awesome story.
Oh the characters! Dina doesn’t disappoint with creating characters that win your heart (Eric & Maya) and characters to hate where you wish they would just go ahead and die or get killed (Claude, his brother Sam, and slutty girlfriend) – LOL. The drama is spell binding and will have you glued to the pages if the Aliens haven’t already. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to get to what happens next kind of thing. Totally addictive writing. The revenge is bitter sweet and I loved it!
The reader gets to see the human side of the scientist and see the determination to live by the right creed but at the same time in the name of science (changing Eric’s DNA to Alien so he can time travel) and in the name of righteous humane punishments (putting a murderous woman in a time machine knowing it will kill her just to get answers from another bad guy), Science becomes a wonderful thing in the end – like I said – Bitter Sweet.
The structure of the story was brilliantly done. In the first book “The Best Seller” you learn about Maya’s Alien DNA and her Alien brother Jay McCallister, Paula, Mercedes, Doctor Chuck Wu, Attorney Glenn who all work at T.A.H. Institute. You also learn about military officer Andreas from Operation Chrome, however, In this book the author ties all of these individuals together into present day by visiting their past and how their past circumstances ended up leading them into the now and why the WWII area plays a significant role in this story. It was interesting getting the background on each individual because when the new character Dr. Lori was introduced it all made sense.
So many things I can go on to talk about, the ending was brilliant – I loved the Alien Underground World beneath Hitler’s Lair. The colorful fantasy creatures and the shape shifting reptilian Aliens gave the story a great visual world. Thanks for a happy ending Dina and for leaving it open for another chapter of Sequels. A special “Thank you” for using Devon Newberry as head of security at T.A.H. – Love ya!
I highly recommend this awesome novel to all those who love a mixture of Scifi magic and conspiracy theories. I look forward of reading more of this awesome author’s work. Her writing is totally addicting.
Excellent Read!
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